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Budweis 02-2009 I

Photo description: winter photos from Budweis - the Foot Bridge and the Development Luční jez, Samson's fountain with the historical town hall, city fortification, White Tower, Zátka's embankment, Iron Maiden

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Samson's fountain and the town hall III

Samson's fountain and the town hall III

Foot Bridge Luční jez II

Foot Bridge Luční jez II

Foot Bridge Luční jez I

Foot Bridge Luční jez I

Samson's fountain and the town hall I

Samson's fountain and the town hall I

Samson's fountain and the town hall II

Samson's fountain and the town hall II

city fortification and the White Tower

city fortification and the White Tower

White Tower

White Tower

Iron Maiden I

Iron Maiden I

Zátka's embankment

Zátka's embankment

Iron Maiden II

Iron Maiden II

foot bridge and development Luční jez

foot bridge and development Luční jez

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